August 04, 2017

Today's Rap Music in 3 Minutes



 Today's hip-hop has been catching a lot of flack lately from the older generation and even the younger generation.  Many people say that rap music has lost his substance and has been taken over by a new wave of "mumble rappers". While this may be true, there are still some real artists out there that are putting a lot of time and effort into their sound and content.  On the other hand the "mumble rappers" have been flooding the game with nonsensical songs that are mainly about abusing prescription drugs.  Not to name any names, this new wave of artists have been easily climbing the charts.  Some people have had enough; "AcestoAces' on youtube for instance created a video on how easy it is to mimic the sound of today's rap.  Watch below for an entertaining and pretty accurate recreation of today's rap music.  


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