March 19, 2020

8 Veggies You Can Grow Year Round Indoors

 indoor farming


 With many places of business and schools on lockdown during this COVID-19 outbreak, lots of people are wondering what to do while they are on quarantine. Some people are flocking to social media platforms such as Tik Tok to express their creativity, and others are working on in-home businesses.  Some people are picking up hobbies and trying things they haven't tried before.  This time is a humbling period where people realize without work and school there is a lot of time in the day. You may have seen a video circling on social media of some plants that can be grown indoors. If not check it out HERE. We came across another video of 8 vegetables that can be grown all year round inside an apartment.  While watching the video, you may ask yourself "Why haven't I tried this before?" As some people panic and worry about running out of food, why not create your own little sustainable farm to nourish yourself.  Check out the video below to see these veggies that you can grow right in the comfort of your home. #StaySustained !