The First 'PlasticRoad' Opens in the Netherlands
For years asphalt and concrete have been the standard when it comes to paving roads and they still are, but some new unorthodox methods are coming on to the scene and challenging the traditional idea of roads. In the Netherlands, they have recently taken an extremely progressive and alternative approach to asphalt. They have recently created a bike lane out of recycled plastics. Not only is this bike lane eco-friendly it's also a smart bike lane, meaning it is equipped with sensors that monitor the road's performance. This includes temperature, road durability, and how many bike passages occur on the path. This is truly a road from the future. The bike path is 30 meters long and contains recycled plastic that is equivalent to more than 218,000 plastic cups; that's a lot of plastic! With the plastic pollution problem getting worse, Plastic roads are a great idea to help lessen the amount of plastic waste that is polluted. Check out some images of the PlasticRoad below!
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