April 18, 2017

Get Clean With Mud!



 Who loves mud masks! I sure do, and so does our hair! They’re not just for our faces (I’ll get into that in a minute), there’s a lot of benefits to using the squishy stuff in haircare. My favorite mud mask to use includes bentonite clay.

What in the world is bentonite clay? I’m so glad you asked. It comes from volcanic ash sediments in the US. The name comes from Benton, Wyoming, home to the largest deposit of this clay. Bentonite clay binds to toxins, and has a negative charge  so it’s great for cleansing hair as it can remove positively charged product residues that have built up in our hair. It’s mined from one hundred to several thousand feet under the earth’s surface, set out in the sun to dry, then pressed and ground to fine powder. Good quality bentonite clay should be gray in color. You can find it online or in most health food stores. I’ve been using the Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay for years and I swear by it.

Bentonite clay cleanses, de-frizzes, softens, moisturizes, and defines curls while promoting clumping. This stuff is amazing for curly hair. When I smooth it into my hair, it detangles instantly and my curls start to pop! As you apply it to your hair it begins to remove dirt and product build-up, aiding in softening the hair. Once the gunk is gone, your hair is ready to absorb anything else you add to the clay- oils, conditioners, etc.

When used as a face mask, bentonite clay has a pulsing effect-you can feel it working to remove dirt from your pores as it brings more oxygen-rich blood to the surface of your skin, allowing more nutrients to to assist in the healing process.  It’s done once it dries! I recommend using water or aloe vera when mixing the mask; and applying this at night or on a day where you don’t have to be anywhere, as it can leave your skin a little red a bit sensitive to sunlight.

An important note when working with this clay. When mixing it yourself, make sure to use non-reactive tools-such as plastic, wood or ceramic. Do not use metal spoons or bowls! Once it’s mixed with water, the electrical and molecular structure changes, causing an electrical charge. This gives it the ability to absorb toxins, impurities, heavy metals and chemicals from hair and skin, and the body (there’s a difference in clay used internally vs externally. Use caution before ingesting!). You’ll notice how absorbent it is, like a sponge. You have to add a decent amount of liquid to get that creamy conditioner consistency, pouring in a little bit at a time while stirring. Personally, I’ve been using an empty hair product container and a plastic spoon. Bonus if you’re running low on your favorite deep conditioner, just mix in some  clay and water or acv to use up that last little bit!

Face Mask


  • 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay

  • 1 teaspoon or more of water or aloe vera gel/juice

  • A toothpick (or your finger)


  • You can mix this on the spoon, or in a small bowl. Just mix the clay and water/aloe until it forms a spreadable paste. Apply to your face, leave on up to 20 minutes or until dry. Rinse. Try gently scrubbing as you rinse for an exfoliating effect. Use this once or twice a week.

Cleansing Mud Co-Wash


  • ¼ cup of bentonite clay

  • ¼ cup or more of water or apple cider vinegar

  • Your favorite conditioner

  • Optional: 1 tablespoon of oil


  • Place bentonite clay in a nonreactive container. Add in a large spoonful of conditioner. Using a nonreactive spoon, stir in water/ACV a little bit at a time until a creamy consistency is achieved. Apply to wet hair, let sit for 10-20 minutes under a plastic cap to keep it moist. Rinse. I like to follow up with a little extra conditioner, especially for my scalp, and rinse that out to make sure all the clay is removed from my hair. Use this up to twice a week as a co-wash, or use regularly if you’re no-poo*.

Bonus recipe: Teeth Whitening Rinse

This works similar to the coconut oil pulling method, drawing toxins from the body


  • ½ teaspoon of bentonite clay

  • ¼ cup of water

  • Small plastic container with a plastic lid


  • Make sure your clay is intended for internal use. Place clay and water in container, and shake until combined. Rinse with the mixture for 1-2 minutes, and repeat until finished. Then brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste. Repeat this up to twice daily.