April 12, 2016

Cloth Talk w/ DJ Khaled


 Cloth Talk is something that DJ Khaled has coined; and Superego has been engaging in cloth talk for a while. DJ Khaled is #CFADC because of his positivity, his energy, and the fact that he's constantly engaging in that cloth talk.  What is cloth talk you ask?  Cloth Talk is unique; its being different, separated from the rest, Cut From A Different Cloth, a step ahead of everybody else. 

In all seriousness, DJ Khaled is a symbol of success and wellness. He waters his plants daily, he frequently documents his exercises, and even shows his well balanced meals cooked up by Chef D.  He has always been a celebrity; but as of lately, he's become an icon.  Check out this extended cloth talk from DJ Khaled below. Also, head over to our shop and cop a statement tee if you are all about that cloth talk. Special Cloth Alert ! New Deal Alert!


Props to Hot 97 for the Legendary footage.