December 28, 2014

Sustainable Sunday: The E-Waste $60 3D Printer

The fastest-growing municipal waste stream in the United States today is Electronic-Waste, a.k.a E-Waste. In a publication by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 2013 statistics reflected that roughly 40 million metric tons of e-waste had been produced worldwide each year. Unfortunately for the suffering environment, the recycle rate was less than 12.5 percent, most of which  occurred in developing countries. Most recently, an member utilized e-waste materials to construct a low-budget 3D printer. The creator includes step-by-step instructions that readers can follow to build, wire, and program their device. 
Now as an antidote to electronic wastefulness, eco-friendly advocates can reuse e-waste to develop their very own small format 3D printer for just under an affordable, $60. Tune into the video below: