November 07, 2014

Fantasy Friday: The Return of Laissez Capono

The Man, the Myth, the Legend; Laissez Capono.  Where has he been? Is he still working on the passages we have grown to love? These questions remain unanswered, but what I do know is I need to hear from him again, and very soon.  What I like most about Laissez is his wordplay.  You can tell he has an ultimate respect for lyricism and putting words together.  His passage Raising The Barz alone could put most industry rappers to shame, could win a final round in a Smack Battle, and inspire awe from a literary professor at the same damn time.

Which brings me to the point of this post on Fantasy Friday. I, for one, would love to see Laissez Capono unleash some more of his lyricism in written form.  The mysterious Laissez Capono has impressed me beyond measure, but it leaves me wanting more. Amidst the sea of Young Thugs, Bobby Shmurdas, and Migos, we need a shining lighthouse to inspire hope amongst those who are drowning.  Sometimes words are more powerful without a hot beat, sometimes when you see written words they jump out at you and demand your attention. So, Mr. Capono , if you are still out there and reading this post, please reach out... we need you!