July 12, 2016

14-Year-Old Performs 'White Boy Privilege' Poem


 We are living in a crucial time right now.  Many of the people in America are in a frenzy over the murders of black people by the police.  Many people are taking to the streets to protest and express themselves.  At a lot of these protests, white people, black people, and all types of people stand together hand-in-hand to express their anger peacefully.  Royce Mann is a white boy who acknowledges his privilege while many people don't.  We are living in a time where a lot of individuals in America stand on different sides when talking about race issues in America, and some may not even agree with this poem.  Either way, Royce Mann is doing what he feels is right; he is using his voice and freedom of speech to express himself, and for that we commend him.  Check out his poem "White Boy Privilege" below.