Real Flamethrower vs 'Not a Flame Thrower' by Elon Musk
The name Elon Musk has been popping up a lot in the news and on social media lately. If you don't know the name, Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla and the Co-Founder of PayPal. Some of his latest ventures range from trying to develop a tunnel system in LA for traffic reduction to space exploration. One of his smaller projects under his company "The Boring Company" was creating a recreational flame thrower. The Boring Company decided to call it "Not a Flame Thrower" and when compared to others we can now see why. One Youtuber, under the name, posted a video comparing the Boring Companies version of a flame thrower with a military grade flame thrower. The results are surprising; let's just say there is no competition. Watch the video below as a couple real flame throwers put Elon Musk's "Not a Flame Thrower" to shame.
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