March 27, 2018

Photographer Asks Her Models to Wear all the Clothes They Own

soft shells


Fashion is such a huge part of our society. Beyond it being required that you put on clothing before you leave your home, fashion is many more things to people.  Fashion is art, expression, and much more.  Well, Artist and photographer Libby Oliver took this expression to the next level by asking her models to wear ALL of their clothes for her project "Soft Shells".  She describes the project as follows: 

“This work arises from my interest in artificiality, visual power relationships and indexing a person through their belongings,” “Through this series, I aim to explore the tension point between a person’s curated individuality and my personal manipulation of their aesthetic. Soft Shells speaks to human vulnerability, trust, power and control relations of visual interpretation.”

Check out some of the shots from the project below!