February 27, 2019

Jimmy Fallon Interacts with Robots from Around the World

 jimmy fallon robot jump   

 Jimmy Fallon sometimes has a segment on his Tonight Show called "Tonight Showbotics" and its name is exactly what you think it is.  It features robots putting on a show.  The most recent Tonight Showbotics featured Mini Flyers, Jumpen the Skipping Penguin Robot, and the FedEx Same-day Bot.  Jimmy Fallon interacts with all these amazing robots as they showcase what they do best.  The Mini Flyers are basically tiny flying drones that can be controlled with simple hand movements.  The Skipping Penguin robot, well, simply jumps rope.  Lastly, and arguably most useful, is the FedEx Delivery bot which FedEx debuted on the show.  The bot is designed to deliver from restaurants, retailers, and even medicine from pharmacies. Watch the video below to see all the bots in action!