September 02, 2015

How Superego and Hemp Impact the World

 If you have tuned into our social media networks, blog, and movement, by now you should notice that we are really into hemp, and for good reason.  Hemp is a crop with numerous benefits to the environment as well as society.  Hemp can impact the world by replacing cotton, a very water intensive crop.  Hemp is a very resilient and fast-growing plant which allows it to thrive very easily.  It is apparent how hemp can impact the world.
At this point you may be asking, so What is Superego's role in all of this? How is Superego impacting the world?  The answer is simple, by helping to raise the demand of the hemp plant in the U.S.  We are doing this by bringing quality hemp shirts into America in order to prove the superiority over cotton.  If we can get the thousands upon thousands of companies that print on cotton to switch to hemp, we will be lessening America's ecological footprint on the world.  Help spread awareness of the benefits of hemp by sharing this post!