November 21, 2014

Fantasy Friday: PRTTY FLY- ASAP Rocky X Pharrell


Raw street culture meets high fashion; that is a phrase that can describe both ASAP Rocky and Pharrell.  Although Rocky hasn't developed his own brand fully yet and hasn't sold nearly as many records as Pharrell, the two artists are similar in many respects.  They both embrace the street culture and take it up to another level.  The two are trend-setters, and simply put they are PRTTY FLY.

This collab is perfect for Rocky and Skateboard P; they both are extremely braggadocios when they rap, name-dropping designers that you and I have yet to hear of.  The last time Pharrell and Rocky were on the same track was the Pretty Flacco(Remix), it was dope but clouded by the other featured artists on the song. PRTTY FLY is a song for those who like the latest, the newest, the flyest.  I can definitely see the raw talent of these two colliding to make an anthem for hoods everywhere.  I hope to see these two working together soon in the near future.